Wednesday 2 November 2011

In Amore Cotidianis

In love with the day-to-day things

Have you ever had a job you hated so much, that Sunday was the worst day of your week? This being because you knew deep down inside that Monday was tomorrow - that in less than 20 hours you would have to wake up to a whole new week and deal with 5 more days of going to that wretched place. Bring on Friday! Bring on Saturday. You keep Sunday.

I had a job that did this to me, I worked for quite the horrid corporate company in Reseda, CA. It took the majority of my strength each morning to wake up, sit in the bumper to bumper traffic and arrive with even just a half smile. It wasn't until one morning when I slowed down that I started finding joy in the ordinary. I enjoyed seeing my usual commuting friends on the 405 freeway. Coffee never tasted better than on a rainy day, and a random Peggy Lee song would calm the nerves even more.

If it is possible for an isolated Los Angelino to find peace in her traffic, it is most definitely possible for the average individual to find peace in the public transportation commute. In public transportation, you are allowed to converse with others, you are allowed to read and expand your knowledge, you are allowed to smile at a child giggling in the seat next to you. You are allowed to smile, but then why is it so difficult to do so? To just let that little grin out.

To design is to convey a message, my message is that of finding simple joys and pleasure in the ordinary of one's commute on public transportation.

I admire the Public Poster Project - It is conveying messages through the simple norm of posters. How often do we stop and actually read the mass amount of posters and propaganda around us? Very rarely. Yet I'd smile while reading one of these signs in passing by.

I am in no way encouraging the average individual to not get in touch with daily news, events and occurrences on their way to work. It is simply my goal to let this individual lift his head out of the newspaper, take a deep breath and smile at the simple surrounding him.

Through this blog, you will see my journey of creating travel companions (a compendium as a whole) meant for the average public transportation commuter. These companions are meant to make you smile, to make you find joy in the ordinary.

(Art by Brian Andreas)

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